Snohomish Health District just posted a reminder about the importance of Staying Home, Staying Healthy. For more information visit:
K5 News: Washington state schools may stay closed through spring
Herald Article: These are Stressful Times
If you get a chance, please check out this article by Kari Bray (former Darrington beat writer for Everett Herald):
Meals on Wheels, Lunch Service Update
With 221 meals served today, we are proud to have provided over 1000 meals to youth in our community in the past five days, and over 1400 since the closure. A huge thank you to our food service and transportation staff for your commitment to battling food insecurity during the closure!!
Resources from Sno-Isle Library
A message from Sno-Isle Libary:
All Sno-Isle library cards can access our online resources, even those with a blocked account. You can see a complete list of our online resources here?<>. The site contains several resources for children and families including Bookflix<>.
Wednesday Staff Caravan
We miss your smiling faces! Darrington Elementary Staff will be driving around town on Wednesday. We will leave the school at 12:30 and begin driving down Fullerton Street and make our way towards Montague. We hope to see you out waving from the sidewalk, or your front yard.
In-Home Learning Activities from EPA
From the US Environmental Protection Agency: Navigating the new realities of school at home? This issue of Healthy Schools News points you to online environmental education resources to help make learning fun. For all of the links listed below, please click here:
Message from OSPI Supt. Reykdal
OSPI Superintendent Chris Reykdal has asked us to share this video to students, families, and staff:
Coronavirus Tips, FAQ & Advice from New York Times
Meals on Wheels, Lunch Service Update
202 meals today!! Great job everyone!! We are so appreciative of our food service workers, bus drivers, and parents for getting more and more lunches served each day. Our goal is to make sure that all the youth in our community have meals during this time. Please help us to get even more lunches out next week!!