Mandatory Health Attestations for Students in Pre-School Through Fifth Grade

In order for children to be on campus for learning, parents of children in 5th grade and younger, must complete a health attestation.  This will be required to be completed on a monthly basis for each student in preschool – 5th grade by parent/guardian.   Students in grades 6 -12 are asked the questions each morning as they enter the building for services as directed in the guidance from the health department. 

Please click here and carefully read the statements and answer the questions.

PLEASE complete this for each of your children in preschool – 5th grade who will be joining us on campus for learning.   If you are unable to complete it online, we will also have copies available at the school. 

Thank you,

Tracy Franke

Principal, Darrington Elementary School

Pandemic EBT is back! Who is eligible?

Did your child go to a K-12 school this school year that closed or had reduced hours due to the pandemic? Is your child eligible for free or reduced-price school meals? Then your child may be eligible for P-EBT this school year! Has your family moved in the past 2 years? Make sure your address is up to date! To update your address you can call the office at (Elementary) 360-436-1313 or (High School) 360-436-1140, or fill out a form in the office. You can also e-mail (Elementary) or (High School) to update your address. The free or reduced price school meals application is available here.

School Board Meeting

In accordance with Gov. Inslee’s Stay Home, Stay Healthy proclamation, along with guidance from the Washington State Attorney General, Darrington School Board will hold a regular board meeting via Zoom on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, at 6:30 PM . The public may join the public portion of this meeting by calling (253) 215-8782 and entering the Meeting ID 816 9189 2383.

We will be allowing written public comments to come in via email any time prior to the public comment section of the meeting. If you have public comment, please email and your comment will be read during the public comment section of the board meeting.

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Plan for Return to In-Person Learning

We are happy to announce that additional students will soon come to campus for hybrid learning. This is in accordance with Gov. Inslee and Washington Department of Health's updated Decision Tree and School Metrics.

Starting Monday, February 8, grades 3-4 will begin in-person hybrid learning in an AM/PM model, 4 days a week (Monday-Thursday). All safety and hygiene protocols will be in place in both schools, and we will closely monitor regional and local case numbers to be sure that everyone is safe. As school, local, and county case numbers allow, we will make plans to include Grade 5, then MS students in the coming weeks, with the goal to bring all students back to school for in-person learning this spring.

Mandatory Health Attestations for Students in Pre-School Through Fifth Grade

In order for children to be on campus for learning, parents of children in 5th grade and younger, must complete a health attestation.  This will be required to be completed on a monthly basis for each student in preschool – 5th grade by parent/guardian.   Students in grades 6 -12 are asked the questions each morning as they enter the building for services as directed in the guidance from the health department. 

Please click here and carefully read the statements and answer the questions.

PLEASE complete this for each of your children in preschool – 5th grade who will be joining us on campus for learning.   If you are unable to complete it online, we will also have copies available at the school. 

Thank you,

Tracy Franke

Principal, Darrington Elementary School

High School Building Temporary Closure

Due to a mechanical issue with our hot water heater at the high school, we will have to close the building to all students until the repair can be made. The part is scheduled to arrive and the repair be completed on Friday, January 29th.

Students will still be expected to check into their classes virtually during this time. If they are not in their virtual classrooms, they will be marked absent. School is not closed – only the building.