The Darrington Alumni Association (DAA)
Established in 1993 by several alumni with hopes to help fund the dreams of Darrington High School students seeking to further their education at a college, university or vocational school. Since that time, we have given multiple scholarships every year to new graduates and past recipients who pursue their education for a second, third and even fourth year. The organization continues to be run by past graduates who volunteer their time and resources. Scholarships are funded completely through the generous support of alumni and their family and friends.
What makes our scholarship process a bit unique is that we don’t rank one type of post high school training as more worthy than others we look to help all individuals succeed. In addition, memorials and honorariums may be established with a $100 donation in the name of a loved one.
To make a donation, set up a memorial or honorarium, or learn more about our organization, please mail or email the Darrington Alumni Association. You may also find us on Facebook @darringtonalumniassociation or call Darrington Alumni Association President, Julie Kuntz at (425) 501-6631.
The Darrington Alumni Association is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, organized exclusively for charitable purposes. All donations are tax-deductible.
Information for Applicants:
We encourage all Darrington graduating seniors to apply. Please download and complete the application packet.
DAA Student Application First Year
If you received the Darrington Alumni Scholarship as a Senior and wish to reapply, instructions are provided below.
DAA Student Application Returning
The Darrington Alumni Association is not affiliated with the Darrington School District