Lunch Service Reservations for Week of September 21-25

Darrington Schools will continue meal delivery the week of Sept. 21-25 for all youth in our service area through age 18. OSPI is currently requiring parental consent for deliveries, and for families to pre-order these meals. Please fill out the Grab and Go form for lunch pick-up at the cafeteria, or the Home Delivery form for delivery service to your home. Specific instructions including times, meal types, and more information are provided at the link addresses above. If you are unable to access the forms, please call 360.436.1313 ext. 132 for more information.

School Board Retreat

In accordance with Gov. Inslee’s Stay Home, Stay Healthy proclamation, along with guidance from the Washington State Attorney General, Darrington School Board will hold a board retreat meeting via Google Meets on Thursday, September 17, at 10 AM . The public may join the meeting by calling (443) 671-8726‬ and entering the PIN: ‪203 159 549‬#

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Lunch Service Update and Order Forms

Starting next Wednesday, September 16, Darrington Schools will resume meal delivery for all youth in our service area through age 18. OSPI is currently requiring parental consent for deliveries, and for families to pre-order these meals. Please fill out the Grab and Go form for lunch pick-up at the cafeteria, or the Home Delivery form for delivery service to your home. Specific instructions including times, meal types, and more information are provided at the link addresses above. If you are unable to access the forms, please call 360.436.1313 ext. 132 for more information.

Lunch Service Schedule

We are happy to announce that the USDA has provided a waiver allowing meal service for all youth through age 18 in our community through December. Starting Tuesday, September 8, breakfast and lunch will be available for pickup at the Darrington Elementary School Cafeteria from 10 AM-1 PM. Please look for updates on times and delivery service in the coming weeks.


School Board Meeting

In accordance with Gov. Inslee’s Stay Home, Stay Healthy proclamation, along with guidance from the Washington State Attorney General, Darrington School Board will hold a special meeting via Zoom on Wednesday, August 12th, at 6:30 PM . The public may join the public portion of this meeting by calling (253) 215-8782 and entering the Meeting ID 953 5171 5937 or by using the following link:

The Board uses the public comment period as an opportunity to listen to citizen concerns, but not to debate issues.  No person addressing the Board should initiate charges or complaints about individual Board members or employees or students of the District.

With this in mind. we will be allowing brief written public comments and questions to come in via email any time prior to and during the public comment section of the meeting. If you have a public comment or question, please email and your comment or question will be read for a maximum of three minutes during the public comment section of the board meeting.

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School Board Meeting

In accordance with Gov. Inslee’s Stay Home, Stay Healthy proclamation, along with guidance from the Washington State Attorney General, Darrington School Board will hold a special meeting via Zoom on Wednesday, August 12th, at 6:30 PM . The public may join the public portion of this meeting by calling (253) 215-8782 and entering the Meeting ID 995 3251 9087 or by using the following link:

The Board uses the public comment period as an opportunity to listen to citizen concerns, but not to debate issues.  No person addressing the Board should initiate charges or complaints about individual Board members or employees or students of the District.

With this in mind. we will be allowing brief written public comments and questions to come in via email any time prior to and during the public comment section of the meeting. If you have a public comment or question, please email and your comment or question will be read for a maximum of three minutes during the public comment section of the board meeting.

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Darrington Schools Fall 2020 Learning Plan

In the coming days, Darrington Schools will release a comprehensive plan for learning in the coming school year. Each school will release schedules for student learning later this week. Those will be followed in the near future by further information on a host of concerns, including: remote learning and what it means for our students, how to access Chromebooks and internet hot spots, school lunch protocols, mask requirements, where to get extra help, and how to access the internet if your family is not connected. We will be busy reaching out to students and families to prepare for our September 1 opening date.

The school board will hold a special meeting next Wednesday night to answer questions the public has regarding the coming school year and our reopening schools plan. A special link on our Facebook page will be posted to gather and answer questions leading up to, and during the meeting. The District’s goal is to answer questions and make sure everyone starts the new school year well-informed.

At this time we would like to share our Reopening Steps for Darrington Schools guide. This graphic shows the steps to reopening Darrington Schools. We presently anticipate that our schools will begin the year in Step 3. These steps are subject to change by the Department of Health. We all want Darrington students back in school and learning full time, and are committed to working together to make that a reality.

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Remote Learning for the Start of School Year

Yesterday the Snohomish Health District issued a recommendation that all schools in Snohomish County start the school year with remote learning.    COVID-19 case numbers are nearly identical to those when we first closed in March.  The county has seen a string of nearly two months of increasing numbers of cases per week.  A high percentage of caregivers, community members, and staff are in an at-risk group or directly care for someone who is.  While we have been blessed with a low number of cases in Darrington, we simply cannot risk a traditional reopening that could cause an outbreak of this disease locally.  Based on this information, and feedback from our Reopening 2020 work group, we will plan on starting the school year with a remote learning model.

Current projections would place Darrington in a remote learning model through at least the first academic quarter (November 6, 2020).   As that date approaches, we will reevaluate health department recommendations and regional data and adjust our academic programs accordingly.  Speaking for every member of our work group, what we all want more than anything is to bring students back to school in our buildings in classrooms.  At the same time, we are committed to ensuring the safety of our students, staff, families and community.

The Reopening 2020 work group will complete its plan in the coming days, addressing the specific components of each phase, as well as steps to keep students, staff and our community safe.  This model will include a phased approach to reopening, with increased opportunities for on-campus learning based on guidance from the state and county health departments.  The steps will commence with remote learning for all students.  As it is safe, and as we receive further guidance from health authorities, we will add remote learning with limited in-person instruction, a hybrid model of in-person and remote learning, and in-person instruction with social distancing.  The school board will hold a special meeting on Wednesday, August 12, to review the Reopening 2020 plan. 

We all want our kids to come back to school, to learn, grow, and to succeed.  We all want for things to get back to normal.  We also want to keep our kids and our community safe.    There are still many questions to be answered.  We will come together to make this a great year for Darrington students.

Dr. Buck Marsh


Darrington School District