School Board Meeting

In accordance with Gov. Inslee’s Stay Home, Stay Healthy proclamation, along with guidance from the Washington State Attorney General, Darrington School Board will hold a regular board meeting via Zoom on Tuesday, April 27, 2021, at 6:30 PM . The public may join the public portion of this meeting by calling (253) 215-8782 and entering the Meeting ID 867 1663 4433.

We will be allowing written public comments to come in via email any time prior to the public comment section of the meeting. If you have public comment, please email and your comment will be read during the public comment section of the board meeting.

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Freshman Orientation the date!! Friday, April 2nd 9am to Noon DHS staff want to officially welcome you to the high school – we are all so excited to have you all back on campus; we have lots of fun activities and lunch planned for you.

If you need transportation to and from the school that day, please call Judy at 360-436-1140. Once we know how many students need transportation, I can work on a plan.

Looking forward to seeing you all next week!

Mrs. Christoferson and all the DHS staff

Mandatory Health Attestations for Students in Pre-School Through Fifth Grade

In order for children to be on campus for learning, parents of children in 5th grade and younger, must complete a health attestation.  This will be required to be completed on a monthly basis for each student in preschool – 5th grade by parent/guardian.   Students in grades 6 -12 are asked the questions each morning as they enter the building for services as directed in the guidance from the health department. 

Please click here and carefully read the statements and answer the questions.

PLEASE complete this for each of your children in preschool – 5th grade who will be joining us on campus for learning.   If you are unable to complete it online, we will also have copies available at the school. 

Thank you,

Tracy Franke

Principal, Darrington Elementary School

School Board Meeting

In accordance with Gov. Inslee’s Stay Home, Stay Healthy proclamation, along with guidance from the Washington State Attorney General, Darrington School Board will hold a regular board meeting via Zoom on Tuesday, March 23, 2021, at 6:30 PM . The public may join the public portion of this meeting by calling (253) 215-8782 and entering the Meeting ID 838 7048 4552.

We will be allowing written public comments to come in via email any time prior to the public comment section of the meeting. If you have public comment, please email and your comment will be read during the public comment section of the board meeting.

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