As you may have heard the district has received a Small Rural Schools Grant. The construction has begun on the high school auditorium roof and will continue for a few more weeks. We need to adjust entry points for the high school during the construction period . If the rain cooperates, the roofers will begin working again today. The front entrance to the high school will be accessible, however, the round-about driveway will be blocked. High school visitors will need to park along the north side of the high school or administration building. Elementary visitors will need to park over by the cafeteria and walk to the front door.
Next week the front entrance to the high school will not be accessible. We will have staff available to assist visitors to enter the east doorway across from the administration building.
Roof work will not take place between 7:45-8:15, during the lunch hour and between 2:35-3:15 and regular access will be available for morning drop off and bus pick-up.
We will be temporarily hiring someone to monitor the situation when the boom is in use.
We appreciate your cooperation in this matter. We will keep you posted on the process.